
Increase sales opportunities

Reach more customers

A trustworthy
real estate agent

Handles every step with care.

List all your properties for free,
both for sale and for rent.

Are you looking to sell your propertise? BC can assist you. As experts in full-service real estate investment, we cater to both customers and investors for buying, renting, and selling out properties. Simply prepare your property information, apply for membership, and list your preperties on bkkcitismart.com

Our dedicated marketing team will promote your property, giving you the opportunity to close sales faster at no additional cost.

Uncertain how to price your property? Valuate your property

Steps to list your properties

Prepare your information and follow our guidelines.

  • 1. Start registering a property

    Provide general information about your property such as listing type, property type, and location.

  • 2. Add more the property details

    Specify additional information about the property such as price, usable area, and number of rooms.

  • 3. Make your properties stand out.

    Add more details about your facility to make it more attractive.

  • 4. Wait for confirmation

    Please provide your contact information; our staff will confirm your listed property.